Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A WONDERFUL playdate!
A few months ago I joined a mommy's group called Mommy Network of Hampton Roads. I joined it with the hopes to make friends for me and so that Sullivan could also meet some friends. I love being a part of this group, even though I am truly just getting to know some of the girls. We have a message board that is very active. You can go to chat with some of these ladies anytime of the day or night. It is such fun and a great way to find out how normal you are or to vent frustration, announce something happy, sad or confusing, a great place to get opinions - all different of course - or to just get a good recipe! ,It is great! ,I have been to a few play dates but today was my favorite one so far. I think the reason I liked it so much, other than the fact that Sullivan was an absolute angle, is that there were 10 mommies there with all our kiddos. It was a little more of an intimate setting than the others I have been to. We were actually able to talk while the kids played, and then 6 of us ended up playing games. We were there from 10 until 2:30. Sullivan did not want to leave either. He had "mowed" with Connor, played Basketball with Caitlin, and flirted with several princess'. Man I want a little princess. I would not trade my little man for ANYTHING but I think a great little pair they would be, an athlete and a princess!! A perfect little family! They can be so dramatic I know but man they are so cute! These little girls would rather wear their dress up outfits than anything. These mom's are so good about it too. Tutu's go over pants, under coats and however else they can be a princess they will. I think today I was able to get to know some of the mom's a lot better than I had in the past and really enjoyed their company! I think it is a really good group and like any group or friendship, you will only get out of it what you put into it so, I can not wait until the next playdate! Neither can Sullivan!

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Today's play date was great. It was wonderful talking to you!! I love the more intimate settings too.
But, I must say your little prince is such a sweetie! I loved the picture of him pushing the girls on the swing. How cute is that! I see a heart breaker in the making. :)
Girl, I cannot WAIT to get to know you better, too! I'm so glad you joined and that you stayed and played. Nanette and Jennifer are a HOOT, aren't they??? Two of my all-time FAVORITE people! Seriously! Sullivan did seem to have a good time, too. He seems pretty easy-going. Nice! TTYS!!! (((HUGS)))
We had such a great time too Allison!! I'm glad you guys came! You'll have to email me the pictures you took when you get a chance, I bet the parachute pics turned out so cute! :) See you again soon! :) :)
It was great to meet you there as well. I saw the picture you took of Conner and Sullivan looking at the fish tank. I took a similar one of Sullivan and Michael. I posted it on the pictures spot for the playdate. Let me know if you want me to email it to you.
Allison! I thought you were great and had to ask myself, "Why haven't I noticed this cool mom before?" You seem like a person I could really hang out with!! Meaning you are crazy like me! I really hope to see more of you SOON! Yes that is a hint:) TTYL ladies are so sweet! I can't wait to hang out again either! Sullivan was easy going but, all changed when we got home. The little devil came out!!! Hope to see you all soon!
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