Saturday, October 25, 2008

Our newest project/adventure...

What were we thinking???
Obviously thinking about the kiddo!
So, we found this guy through Craig's List who was giving away his play set, because it came with his house and his kids are all grown up. Being as this was the 3rd one I came across (and didn't get the first 2) we jumped on it and got it! Yep for free! All we have to do is get it home and get it back together. It has been exactly that, a project, an adventure...
This is a before picture. Please ignore the other "yard ornament" as the nice neighbor called it! We are only getting the play set! It has 3 swings, monkey bars, a tire swing, a slide, a steering wheel, a rope ladder and an area for a sandbox and Sullivan calls it "my park"!!!
We have learned to finagle rusty screws, found our way all over Hampton, VA, hammered a thumb, killed quite a few spiders, and watched tears streamed down Sullivan's face as we carted off the slide. After all that, we finally got it all home!!! Now we just have to put it together. After a bunch of new bolt, 2 new swings, some new chain for the tire swing, a few new boards and a pressure wash, Sullivan will have a great little play set!!!
That will be another day, another story, another project, another adventure...


Angie said...

That looks like it will be so fun!! And free!! Who can beat that?

Coleen said...

Free!? I'm totally checking out Craig's List!

Lori Parker said...

Wow! That is one heck of a project to tackle!!! I think it is WONDERFUL that Sullivan is helping with it - Good Mommy!!!