Sunday, October 19, 2008

Look out!!!

Gosh my little guy is so coordinated! I think he is going to be a little athlete. He can really kick a ball, hit a ball off a tee, throw a football, sometimes catch it, and he can throw the basketball in the net, most of the time, as you can see. He loves balls...always has. I can not wait to have him in soccer. I had him dribbling the soccer ball up and down the yard the other day. Mike was teaching him to dribble a basketball a while back and he was actually getting it, I mean for a 2 year old. It was so cute and made me so happy! Look out!!! Here comes Sullivan Curti for a 3 pointer! (No I do not make him dress like this ALL the time, we had just gotten back from church! Isn't he cute though?!)

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