Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I gave in and let him eat salad!
No, not my dogs, my child! When he gets mad at me, or doesn't get his way he will growl at me. It is so hard not to laugh at him. His little nose wrinkles up, he squints his eyes and he growls. The only thing Mike and I can think of is that he learned it from the dogs. They growl when they play and Bella, our golden retriever, growls at him all the time when he tortures her. So, I guess Sullivan thinks he is a dog. Hum... I will try to get it on video to show his girlfriends one day!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Our newest project/adventure...
What were we thinking???
Obviously thinking about the kiddo!
So, we found this guy through Craig's List who was giving away his play set, because it came with his house and his kids are all grown up. Being as this was the 3rd one I came across (and didn't get the first 2) we jumped on it and got it! Yep for free! All we have to do is get it home and get it back together. It has been exactly that, a project, an adventure...
This is a before picture. Please ignore the other "yard ornament" as the nice neighbor called it! We are only getting the play set! It has 3 swings, monkey bars, a tire swing, a slide, a steering wheel, a rope ladder and an area for a sandbox and Sullivan calls it "my park"!!!
We have learned to finagle rusty screws, found our way all over Hampton, VA, hammered a thumb, killed quite a few spiders, and watched tears streamed down Sullivan's face as we carted off the slide. After all that, we finally got it all home!!!

Now we just have to put it together. After a bunch of new bolt, 2 new swings, some new chain for the tire swing, a few new boards and a pressure wash, Sullivan will have a great little play set!!!
That will be another day, another story, another project, another adventure...
Obviously thinking about the kiddo!
So, we found this guy through Craig's List who was giving away his play set, because it came with his house and his kids are all grown up. Being as this was the 3rd one I came across (and didn't get the first 2) we jumped on it and got it! Yep for free! All we have to do is get it home and get it back together. It has been exactly that, a project, an adventure...

This is a before picture. Please ignore the other "yard ornament" as the nice neighbor called it! We are only getting the play set! It has 3 swings, monkey bars, a tire swing, a slide, a steering wheel, a rope ladder and an area for a sandbox and Sullivan calls it "my park"!!!
We have learned to finagle rusty screws, found our way all over Hampton, VA, hammered a thumb, killed quite a few spiders, and watched tears streamed down Sullivan's face as we carted off the slide. After all that, we finally got it all home!!!
That will be another day, another story, another project, another adventure...
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
A WONDERFUL playdate!
A few months ago I joined a mommy's group called Mommy Network of Hampton Roads. I joined it with the hopes to make friends for me and so that Sullivan could also meet some friends. I love being a part of this group, even though I am truly just getting to know some of the girls. We have a message board that is very active. You can go to chat with some of these ladies anytime of the day or night. It is such fun and a great way to find out how normal you are or to vent frustration, announce something happy, sad or confusing, a great place to get opinions - all different of course - or to just get a good recipe! ,It is great! ,I have been to a few play dates but today was my favorite one so far. I think the reason I liked it so much, other than the fact that Sullivan was an absolute angle, is that there were 10 mommies there with all our kiddos. It was a little more of an intimate setting than the others I have been to. We were actually able to talk while the kids played, and then 6 of us ended up playing games. We were there from 10 until 2:30. Sullivan did not want to leave either. He had "mowed" with Connor, played Basketball with Caitlin, and flirted with several princess'. Man I want a little princess. I would not trade my little man for ANYTHING but I think a great little pair they would be, an athlete and a princess!! A perfect little family! They can be so dramatic I know but man they are so cute! These little girls would rather wear their dress up outfits than anything. These mom's are so good about it too. Tutu's go over pants, under coats and however else they can be a princess they will. I think today I was able to get to know some of the mom's a lot better than I had in the past and really enjoyed their company! I think it is a really good group and like any group or friendship, you will only get out of it what you put into it so, I can not wait until the next playdate! Neither can Sullivan!

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Look out!!!
Gosh my little guy is so coordinated! I think he is going to be a little athlete. He can really kick a ball, hit a ball off a tee, throw a football, sometimes catch it, and he can throw the basketball in the net, most of the time, as you can see. He loves balls...always has. I can not wait to have him in soccer. I had him dribbling the soccer ball up and down the yard the other day. Mike was teaching him to dribble a basketball a while back and he was actually getting it, I mean for a 2 year old. It was so cute and made me so happy! Look out!!! Here comes Sullivan Curti for a 3 pointer! (No I do not make him dress like this ALL the time, we had just gotten back from church! Isn't he cute though?!)
Another loss...

Friday, October 17, 2008
Let's Go TIGERS!!!!

Little Church Boy
We have been going to a new church called Wave Church that we really like. At first it was a little "loud" for us but we are really starting to like it. The pastor is fantastic, gives a great sermon that is relevant to real life and he is funny too. Makes it so much easier to listen and take it all in. The day care is called Beach Kids and is wonderful! Sullivan loves going to church. We have met so many nice people there and hope to make some friends at church.
Daddy's Little Helper
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
"New" furniture for Sullivan's room
Mom and Dad brought me 2 nightstands that were in my grandparents house. They were plain and so mom and I decided they needed to be stained and painted! We got all the tool and then she left me high and dry! :) I spent all weekend painting and loved it all from the sanding, staining and painting and especially my finished products!! The night stand is so cute in his room and it is so nice to have a place for his lamp and drawers for puzzles and books. His table was one I got at a yard sale this summer. Paid a whopping $4.25 for it! It was a solid white IKEA table that he has added a little orange highlighter to. Anyway, we painted the top with magnetic paint and then chalk board paint and the legs red to match his table. It is adorable and he loves it!! The chalkboard paint is awesome! I have to get him some new chalk and magnets now! ( Ignore the yellow lamp, I am repainting it red also. I do not like the yellow but thought I would.) I will have to post a picture of his room once it is finished!
Monday, October 6, 2008
We love the Aquarium!
We took Sullivan to the aquarium one more time before the Little Builder's exhibit ends. He was so excited about the fish! We got to see the stingrays being fed and people were swimming with the sharks! We had a wonderful time and look forward to more activities at the aquarium this fall!

The Biggest Looser
Mike and I have been chosen to compete in The Biggest Looser for Gold's Gym! We really wanted to do it! It is a 4 month program including weigh in's measurements, nutrition counseling and team training with a personal trainer. We started last week. Our first weigh in will be Friday the 10th! It is going ot be tough but...we are working out booties off at the gym and it hurts sooooo good!!!! Now we have to get the nutrition part under control! Wish us luck!!!
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