Thanksgiving ended up at Mom's house this year so we cooked and cleaned and prepared to have 17 people over. Mom cooked her first turkey ever (she is usually in charge of the Ham since she can cook such a fabulous ham) and it was perfect! The kids played, the adults chatted, we ate and it was a nice day! 

We truthfully have so so much to be thankful for. I know I am most thankful for my health and my family and friends. I can not imagine life without any of them! Especially my little guy! He is such a blessing and I am so thankful that Mike and I have a healthy, precious boy! I am also thankful for our sweet Anna. I am thankful that she loves me so much and accepts me as a step mom and is so sweet and loving to Sullivan. I am thankful for the time we get to spend with her. I am so thankful that Sullivan and Anna love each other so much! I am thankful to have a husband who goes above and beyond in all that he does, whether it be to make me happy, to take care of Sullivan or Anna, at work or whatever it is...he is always doing what needs to be done and some! He is an amazing husband and father who absolutley adores his family and I would not change a thing! I am a lucky girl! Gosh I could go on and on and and surely would leave someone really important out! We are truly just so blessed to have an amazing family, to be healthy, to be happy and to know the Lord. Thanksgiving was not the same without Mike there but I am thankful that he was in Virginia Beach working and not deployed! And now....I am thankful to be able to go shopping with my Mom starting on Black Friday!!! Let the shopping carts roll and the deals begin!!!!

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