Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I'll be home for Christmas.....

There is nothing like being home for Christmas. Mom always has the house decked out and both Mom and Dad are excited about the holidays! Mom and I shop until our legs hurt at night and wrap presents into the wee hours of the night! We go see Christmas lights, go to Christmas Eve service at our family church and just really enjoy being together. I have some of the best Christmas memories: Eating oranges with daddy and throwing the peels in the fire, Christmas caroling on a boat while visiting Aunt Nancy, our family Christmas parties, decorating moms tree and how she left in on all hours of the day and night and even one time all year round, getting so many wonderful gifts, traveling on Christmas Day to see family we do not get to see often... I have so many wonderful memories that the list would never end. Each year is special in it's own way. As we get older it is so neat to see how our lives change and how our wants differ. I used to have a list of what I wanted. Mom still asks for it, but now there is nothing more important than being with my family and for my kids to have all the wonderful Christmas memories that I had. I want my kids to love it like I did and to bond like my brother and I did. Every year Zeke would wake up before me, go peek and then come to get me telling me "Santa came!" Sometimes he would wake up and get in the bed with me promising each other that whoever woke up first would wake the other one up. Funny, he was such a brat! He would always pout if he didn't get what he wanted or if my "pile" looked bigger than his (maybe his love language is "gift giving/receiving") and let me tell you we always got what we wanted! Mom and Dad started doing scavenger hunts for him just to see him pout and then get excited! We were so blessed as kids. We had everything we wanted and some, our stockings were filled, and we were blessed with a loving family who wanted nothing more than to see us filled with childlike joy Christmas morning. My parents are not wealthy but they made sure they could provide for us in every way that was important and for them, the happiness of their children on Christmas morning was a priority. So...as I grow older and see myself morphing into my parents, I too enjoy seeing my kids excited about Santa and what he may bring! I know this is not what it is all about....but like my parents I will do what fills my heart at Christmas time! It will not be all about receiving, they will also learn the joy of giving and we will never forget that this holiday is not ALL about the big jolly fat guy and presents but most importantly it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus and we will always remember His great sacrifice for each of us. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. That your hearts were filled with the joy of Christmas and all that it encompasses! This is my favorite holiday - hands down!

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