Wednesday, December 31, 2008

First Annual Oyster Roast

The weekend Mike took Sully and I to Sumter (Dec 16th) we had our first annual holiday oyster roast at G.G. and Pop's house. We had a great time cooking and eating oysters, shrimp, potatoes, slaw etc... Sullivan ate his first shell fish, an oyster and liked it! He makes us so so proud! Looking forward to next years event...

And all we got was a smuckers uncrustable....poor babies! Yeah right!!!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Time

We headed home 10 days early for Christmas. Unfortunately Mike had to head back to work but he did get to hunt while he was there. They do call it hunting for a reason. ;) Mom and I shopped some, but Sullivan got sick and that slowed us down tremendously. Other than Sully being sick Christmas was as usual, wonderful - filled with so much family and friends, lots of wonderful gifts, yummy eats and of course constant reminders of how blessed we are as a family and as individuals!
There was so much going on that I have decided to post in sections, so...this first section is our annual Lynam-Bateman Christmas Party. We have been doing these as long as I can remember. We used to do them on Christmas Eve and I can so vividly remember Zeke and I in the backseat of the car looking for Rudolph's nose as we drove home. Things have changed so much since we were little. We have sadly lost many family members and as the circle of life beautifully goes we have added many members to our family - from marriages to new babies! This year the annual Christmas party was at Bootsie's house at the Santee - a place we all love. Bootsie is my aunt by marriage. Her husband, my Uncle Jimmy, was my dads first cousin. It is amazing how close our families have been and how much fun we have had getting together. Bootsie has always been so wonderful to my family and my kids and I feel really blessed that she and mom really keep our families close. The kids on the way to "Gogi's" house!!! They were so excited!
Bootsie had Santa come to her house as a surprise to all the kids. It was great! Some were pleasantly surprised and told him everything they wanted and others....well, were not so pleasantly surprised and just wanted to "go outside" when her got there. Yes that was my Sully. Elliott was so sweet to tell Santa what Sullivan wanted. All he wanted was a blue jeep and a baby sister! He did get a camouflage jeep from G.G. and Pop but I warned him that he may have to wait until next year for the baby sister. (G.G. was a little help to the baby sister part - I feel no pressure at all! ;) ) Ashley, Jamie and Bootsie taking pictures of Burns with Santa

Anna telling Santa what she wanted for Christmas - iPod, Sperry's, Hannah Montana stuff...

Sullivan's picture with Santa! He was terrified!

Elliott telling Santa what was on Sullybear's list!

The kids with Santa Clause! Notice Zeke is included in this pix! :)

Anna holding baby Laurel for the first time!

Sullivan holding baby Laurel. He asks to hold her all the time. He had a little assistance this time.

G.G. in grand baby heaven!
Soon to be another addition in the family!

My baby girl! Gosh I wish we got to see Anna more often!
We had a really nice time. The kids got lots of great gifts! They played well together and all behaved! The food was fabulous and the company was even better! We look forward to many more Lynam/Bateman parties!

I'll be home for Christmas.....

There is nothing like being home for Christmas. Mom always has the house decked out and both Mom and Dad are excited about the holidays! Mom and I shop until our legs hurt at night and wrap presents into the wee hours of the night! We go see Christmas lights, go to Christmas Eve service at our family church and just really enjoy being together. I have some of the best Christmas memories: Eating oranges with daddy and throwing the peels in the fire, Christmas caroling on a boat while visiting Aunt Nancy, our family Christmas parties, decorating moms tree and how she left in on all hours of the day and night and even one time all year round, getting so many wonderful gifts, traveling on Christmas Day to see family we do not get to see often... I have so many wonderful memories that the list would never end. Each year is special in it's own way. As we get older it is so neat to see how our lives change and how our wants differ. I used to have a list of what I wanted. Mom still asks for it, but now there is nothing more important than being with my family and for my kids to have all the wonderful Christmas memories that I had. I want my kids to love it like I did and to bond like my brother and I did. Every year Zeke would wake up before me, go peek and then come to get me telling me "Santa came!" Sometimes he would wake up and get in the bed with me promising each other that whoever woke up first would wake the other one up. Funny, he was such a brat! He would always pout if he didn't get what he wanted or if my "pile" looked bigger than his (maybe his love language is "gift giving/receiving") and let me tell you we always got what we wanted! Mom and Dad started doing scavenger hunts for him just to see him pout and then get excited! We were so blessed as kids. We had everything we wanted and some, our stockings were filled, and we were blessed with a loving family who wanted nothing more than to see us filled with childlike joy Christmas morning. My parents are not wealthy but they made sure they could provide for us in every way that was important and for them, the happiness of their children on Christmas morning was a priority. I grow older and see myself morphing into my parents, I too enjoy seeing my kids excited about Santa and what he may bring! I know this is not what it is all about....but like my parents I will do what fills my heart at Christmas time! It will not be all about receiving, they will also learn the joy of giving and we will never forget that this holiday is not ALL about the big jolly fat guy and presents but most importantly it is a celebration of the birth of Jesus and we will always remember His great sacrifice for each of us. I hope you all had a Merry Christmas. That your hearts were filled with the joy of Christmas and all that it encompasses! This is my favorite holiday - hands down!

Monday, December 8, 2008


So, Sullivan named his Elf on the Shelf "Duffie". The only thing I can think of is that maybe he was trying to say elfie and said Duffie. It stuck. Every night he tells Duffie goodnight and he wakes up every morning in search of Duffie. "Hey Mama/Daddy, where's Duffie?" So, we go with him in search. You see, Duffie watches over Sullivan and then at night he uses his Christmas magic to fly to the North Pole to spend time with Santa. He is like an informant for Santa. He tells Santa what Sullivan wants for Christmas and if Sullivan has been good or bad that day. Then it is up to Santa. Duffie comes back and sits in a new place everyday. Did I mention that I LOVE the Christmas season and everything that comes with it(except the bill)!!!

Puttin' up the ole tree...

When we got back from S.C. we promptly decorated our house and put up our tree. I LOVE the Christmas season want to be able to enjoy it every minute we can. We decided since we would not be here very much to still use our Sigonella Christmas tree. It is quite pitiful, but it is ours and we have lots of memories with it. Maybe next year we will get a real one!! Sullivan had a good time decorating, or better yet throwing the balls around. He is in charge of turning the tree on every morning. Good times. I love the Christmas season!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Playdate TIME!!!

Sullivan and I went to another play date with my mommy group on Friday. We had a good time. It was so good to see everyone again and reconnect with some of the crazy, I mean nice, ladies in my group! Sullivan had a blast playing with all the girl toys especially the computer. When we finally left 6 hours later, he cried the whole way home saying, "Go Play date Mommy!" He is so excited about the one we have tomorrow!

Jennifer playing Ring Around the Rosie with all the kids!

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Merry Christmas and THANKS to our troops overseas!

Let's all take about 2 minutes and say thanks and Merry Christmas to our troops serving our country overseas. I can not imagine having Christmas with out Mike or how the troops must feel missing Christmas with their families. What a sacrifice! So, take a minute to visit this site and Xerox will do the leg work for you! Thanks Xerox and thanks Lori for sharing this site! Let's make sure everyone serving overseas with out their families gets a Merry Christmas and Thank you card!!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thankgiving with Noni

(top row: Tina, Diane holding granddaughter Zy'Maria (sp), Wendy, Brenda, Andy, Jeanine, Noni
bottom row: Me, Mike, Sully, Anna, Maya, Ella and John Paul)
We got to Noni's house Saturday after dinner and just relaxed! We were so tired! Somehow Sullivan just kept right on going....and going.... He is a little trooper! Sunday we had Thanksgiving dinner with Noni and all of Mike's brothers and sisters and some of the kids! We missed Kurt, it was just not the same without him, but we are so thankful to have had Tina there. This was the first holiday without Kurt and another reminder of how we need to hold the ones we love tight. We just never know. At Noni's request we did not have a normal Thanksgiving prayer, but let the kids say "God is Great". Anna said it and Sullivan ended it with a loud, excited "AMEN!" It was so so cute! Definitely the kind of atmosphere Noni and Tina needed! We ate a wonderful Turkey and lots of other goodies and were once again stuffed! The cousins played together like they play together all the time. This was only the second time John Paul's girls and Sullivan have ever seen each other. Anna was a wonderful babysitter and was such a blessing to have around! She really seemed to entertain them well and seemed to really enjoy it. It was so good to be with everyone again. Mike's family has been kind of distant over the past years and with Kurt's passing everyone is coming together again. It is such a wonderful thing to see. Kurt always did do great things! We are yet again reminded of all the things we have to be thankful for. For us, grandparents are something we are extremely thankful for! Life would not be the same without them! Noni, G.G. and Pop all make such an impact on our kids and that means the world to us!
Sunday evening we headed to the Georger family household and ended up eating left over Thanksgiving with them. The kids played like they always had! It was so good to see them, even if for only a couple of hours! We sure do miss being down the street from them! Life was good. On Monday we went to see Tina's new house and then hit the road. Sullivan didn't do so well in the car the first part of the trip. We made lots of stops and then finally he fell asleep and slept until we had about 4 hours left! It ended up being about a 10 hours trip! We made it home with a sleeping baby at 1:00 am and were sooo tired!
We picked up Blue and Bella the next morning from the kennel. They were so so happy to see us! What a wonderful trip we had, so much food, family, friends and fun but...we are now home sweet home.


So, we have not been to a Clemson football game all season and in the past 3 years, I have been to a few but Sullivan and Mike have not been to a single game! For those that do not know, I have been going to Clemson games since I was knee high to a grass hopper. My dad is a Clemson grad and was married to my mom part of the time he was a student there. My grandfather was also a Clemson Alum. So, as it is in our blood, my little brother Zeke and I both graduated from Clemson! My parents have Season football tickets, so we typically go to all the games, or at least as many as we can. Since we moved overseas Mike and I have not been able to go (another military sacrifice :) )and we were dying to go and to take Sullivan to his first Clemson Football game!!! We had planned on doing this the weekend Laurel was born, but...more exciting things happened! So, G.G., Pop, Sullivan and I were planning to go to the Clemson vs Carolina game Thanksgiving weekend! At the last minute Mike called and said he was able to get off of work Saturday and would be driving through the night but he would be there! He arrived in Sumter Saturday morning at 3am, fell asleep until 5am and then we packed the car and headed to TIGER TOWN!!! The forecast called for rain and temperatures in the mid 40's! We were worried but were going to give it a fair shot! After all we had tickets... So we drove in the pouring rain...very slowly... After dropping our car off at Noni's house, we were almost there. Instead of tailgating we had a Chic-Fil-A picnic in the car! We made it to a mud filled parking lot with 5 minutes until kickoff!!! We were so excited that the rain had miraculously STOPPED!!! You should have seen Sullivan's face (and ours)! He was so excited! We were well prepared...with coats, hats, gloves and ponchos! The weather was MUCH better than expected and we were able to watch the whole game without getting wet! Sullivan was a trooper as usual! He cheered, and watched and ate snacks and ran around! He loved it!!! We took tons of pictures!!! AND to top it all off, we kicked some Gamecock booty and touched Howard's rock! What a wonderful day!!! We were all so so glad that we toughed it out because it turned out to be so much FUN! After the game we ate at Wild Wings, one of our all time favorites!! And then said goodbye to G.G. and Pop when they dropped us off at Noni's house for our Curti/Charette Thanksgiving. Sullivan is still talking about "Tiger Town!" He is such a cutie!

Do you have an elf on the shelf??? We do!

When one of my dearest girl friends (Thanks Jill) told me about this precious, Elf on the Shelf! I had to have it for my family! A family tradition that helps with discipline at the holidays??? What could be better?!? So Mom found them and bought them for the boys and their families! She also got them matching Christmas PJ's! We went to Elliott's house the night before we were leaving to let the boys open their elves! They loved them but wanted to play with the elves! They are kind of fragile. It is such a cute idea! If you have never heard of it and have small kids, you must take a look! The elf looks just like one my mom had when she was a child and is actually still made like the ones she had! I remember it at my Momma Bets house and that was a long time ago. The book is such a sweet story and the tradition is going to be FUN! We started reading it last night and Sullivan didn't get it. I tried to get him to name his elf but he just kept saying "Elf!" So, we will keep trying... Thanks you G.G. and Pop for giving us this wonderful gift and we look forward to this fun tradition in our family!

So much to be Thankful for...

Thanksgiving ended up at Mom's house this year so we cooked and cleaned and prepared to have 17 people over. Mom cooked her first turkey ever (she is usually in charge of the Ham since she can cook such a fabulous ham) and it was perfect! The kids played, the adults chatted, we ate and it was a nice day! We truthfully have so so much to be thankful for. I know I am most thankful for my health and my family and friends. I can not imagine life without any of them! Especially my little guy! He is such a blessing and I am so thankful that Mike and I have a healthy, precious boy! I am also thankful for our sweet Anna. I am thankful that she loves me so much and accepts me as a step mom and is so sweet and loving to Sullivan. I am thankful for the time we get to spend with her. I am so thankful that Sullivan and Anna love each other so much! I am thankful to have a husband who goes above and beyond in all that he does, whether it be to make me happy, to take care of Sullivan or Anna, at work or whatever it is...he is always doing what needs to be done and some! He is an amazing husband and father who absolutley adores his family and I would not change a thing! I am a lucky girl! Gosh I could go on and on and and surely would leave someone really important out! We are truly just so blessed to have an amazing family, to be healthy, to be happy and to know the Lord. Thanksgiving was not the same without Mike there but I am thankful that he was in Virginia Beach working and not deployed! And now....I am thankful to be able to go shopping with my Mom starting on Black Friday!!! Let the shopping carts roll and the deals begin!!!!