We headed to Sumter, SC (my home) on Friday after Mike got off of work. Our plans were to let Mike hunt Friday if it was not raining, take Sullivan to Clemson Saturday for his first CLEMSON football game, meet Mike's mom and Anna after the game for dinner, relax on Sunday with family and then I would be here when baby Laurel was born by cesarean on Tuesday. We were so excited!!! Laurel had other plans. We got here Friday, Mike went hunting with Zeke while the girls went to the mall. While we were there we thought Brett was acting funny, but never really thought much of it. ,When we got back to mom and dad's, mom had a nice dinner cooked, the boys were on their way home from hunting (no deer) and we were just sitting down for dinner when Brett said she was having contractions, 3 minutes apart. ,WHAT??? ,Yes that was our reaction exactly! AND it was 7pm and she had been having them since 5pm. It was obvious she was quite uncomfortable. She called L & D and they told her - without asking any important questions - to take 2 Tylenol and lay down. This didn't sound right so we convinced her to call her Dr. He called back and said to come on in. They went home, got her bags just in case, and headed to Manning to the hospital. Zeke did not think she was in labor because she wanted her hair dryer. He said, "If she is worried about her hair dryer, she is not in labor!" I wish I had bet him!!! Once they got there and saw she was in labor, they decided to do the C-section right then. We got the call to hurry, Laurel would be here within the hour. Whoooo Hooo!!! We were all in PJ's just crawling into bed! We rushed out the door as fast as we could. The weather was horrible, we were actually having tornado watches. We drove as fast as we could and got there
just in time. Brett was in a good bit of pain when we got there.

Brett in labor!!!
Waiting for baby Laurel's arrival!!!
We were so excited and so tired!!! It was about 12:45 am.
Her whole family was already there, as they all live in Manning and it was a 35 minute drive for us. They took Brett back and gave her the spinal, as Zeke paced outside of the room. They finally let him in and within about 25 minutes, Zeke came walking out with a beautiful healthy baby girl! Seeing my baby brother holding this precious little girl had me welled up with emotions. What an amazing thing, bringing a precious little angle into the world. God is good!

I however grabbed the video camera and let the grandmama's and Pop oogle as I tried to capture the moment and get a peek at the same time. I can not promise how great that video will be. Sorry guys I was a little excited and emotional.
Sullivan was a trooper. He slept through all the excitement in Mike's arms or in the chairs.

They took Laurel to the nursery to do all the usual stuff. She was 6 pounds 9.3 ounces and 18 3/4 inches long. They named her Laurel Elaine, Elaine after my Nana (dad's mom). Zeke gave Brett my grandmothers engagement and wedding rings and my grandparents always loved Brett so the name is very special and meaningful! Mom and Dad (GG and Pop) gave Laurel Nana's baby doll from the 1920's. She is beautiful and I know will be special to Laurel one day.

After almost 3 hours, Mommy finally got to meet her little girl! What a sweet moment!

GG and Pop awing over their new grand baby girl!
We think her hair is a bit lighter than Elliott's was and that she may have blue eyes. She is healthy, nursing like a champ and just beautiful. Brett is recovering well. She and Zeke are both exhausted but...I think we all know how normal that is. Oh I even got to change a diaper!!!

The Lynam Family of 4, came home from the hospital today. We met them at their house to take pictures of the homecoming. They are such a beautiful family.

Today Elliott was tired and of course will have some adjusting. He is going to be a good big brother though. Sullivan was so sweet to Laurel today. He would stare at her and smile so big. He even kissed her on the head a few times. I think he will be a good big brother one day. We are actually keeping Elliott tonight while they eat a peaceful, relaxing dinner! I look forward to this special time with Elliott and am so happy that Mike, Sullivan and I got here JUST IN TIME for Laurel's birth. I t was truly a special time. A memory we will never forget! I am so proud to be Aunt Allie to these 2 amazing little kids! (I will post some more pictures as we get them up! There are lots!)