We had such a good weekend! On Friday Sullivan learned to put his pants on by himself. It was so cute and he was so proud. I did have to button and zip them but that was all. He did it again for daddy that night with his jammies and then all weekend. What a big boy! Saturday morning Mike has his first golf lesson. He was so excited! When he came home he was telling me all about how good he was hitting the ball and then told me the bad news. His 7 iron broke in full swing. We have just decided it was Kurt hassling him like typical older brothers do. Tina thinks so too. Kurt is still with us.
After all the golf excitement we went out toodling... Sullivan saw me get a piece of chewing gun and kept saying "Mama one more!" He wanted a piece. I decided to give him a small piece of mine, told him to chew it and not to swallow it. He did too. It was so cute. He kept telling us to look at him and would show us his gum. He chewed his first piece for about 30 minutes and his second for about 20 minutes. He was so proud. Now we hide the gum!!! He is going to have a tummy full!

We ended up at the Farmers Market because they were having pony rides and the police horses were there to see and pet. They also had all kids of police cars, ambulances and a monster fire truck there for everyone to get in and look at. Of course he wanted to press every button on the ambulance. I had to get in with him for fear of defibrilating himself! He loved the police horses but was scared of them. They were quite huge! (They were actually the same ones that were patrolling our neighborhood last week and gave Mike a ticket for parking facing the wrong way! Who knew???)

His favorite was the pony rides. I thought he would get scared and would not ride ,but I was wrong. He got on that horse and he said "neigh" the whole way around. He loved it! Did not want to get off and talked about it all day. Before leaving we got him an ID made with the police department. Even though he was sick of waiting he thought he was special having an ID with his picture on it. (check out his "girl" hair!)

We got home late that afternoon to find the Clemson game on TV. We did not think it was televised or we would have been home to watch it. GO TIGERS!!! We sure do miss going to the games and can not wait to take Sullivan. He loves football, although gets tired of watching it on TV. Sunday he told me"no more football mommy". It was cute. We missed church on Sunday because Sullivan has a snotty nose and a bad cough. Didn't want to get all the other kiddos sick too. We ventured out that afternoon for some lunch and to get Mike a haircut. Sullivan wanted to get his cut too so we let him. He desperately needed it but I did not think he would let her. I mean he didn't have a firetruck to sit in, a train table to play with or a TV to watch. He was such a big boy and got the best haircut he has had yet and to mommies excitement was $9 instead of $20! Whoopy!! After big boy haircuts we headed home with an exhausted little boy. That afternoon as I cleaned the kitchen, cooked dinner and caught up with some friends, Mike mowed the yard with "help" from Sullivan. He did everything Mike did. I was a little too late with the video but it is still cute!
So, a weekend full of firsts! He put his pants on for the first time, chewed gun for the first time, rode a pony for the first time and got a big boy haircut with daddy for the first time! Oh and I forgot he wore big boy undies for the first time too. We were not planning to start potty training but he really wanted to wear them. After tee teeing in them twice, we went back to diapers. We will wait a little longer yet and will have to be ready to be committed to try! And will need more underwear!!! My baby is growing up so fast! It is so much fun to watch him grow and learn. Oh he wears a size 9 1/2 shoe now!!!! Can you believe it??? He is so smart and so sweet and it is just such an absolute joy to be his mommy. Mike and I were so proud of him this weekend and had so much fun with him. We can not wait for this fall to be able to do fall things with him for the first time that he will enjoy them!! Off to the zoo tomorrow...
1 comment:
Way to go Sullivan! Sounds like an exciting weekend.
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