Monday, June 23, 2008

Yeah Sully

I totally forgot to post our exciting news!!! The week before we left for SC and Florida, Sullivan Tee Tee'd in his little potty with out me even telling him to. I put him in the bathtub and he said, "Mama, tee tee in potty!" so I took him out and sat him on potty. Waited and waited...nothing! This happened several times before I decided i needed to ignore him or we would do this all night. I was thinking he would get sick of the potty and stay in the tub. So I called Mama. She was asleep so I was chatting with daddy while Sullivan was sitting on potty and well I look down and he is tee teeing in the potty! Just like he had done it a thousand times. I of course got all excited and started telling him what a big boy he was and he quit! I was just so excited! So I praised him and put him back in the tub! Again he said, "Mama tee tee in potty." I took him out again and put him on potty and he went again! I was so proud but so sad that Mike was not there for this happy time. He hasn't done it again but I guess it was a start! We are actually not actively potty training, just letting him try whenever he wants to. Go Sullivan!!!

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