Thursday, June 26, 2008
Yum! Yum! Yum!
We went with my moms group picking blackberries! Other than the smoke we had a nice time. As you can see in the picture we are getting a lot of smoke from the fires in N.C. It was really bad today. I can even taste the smoke. We had a good time though and have lots of yummy blackberries to show for it. It was both Sullivan and Anna's first time to have blackberries! They love them!
Children's Museum
Anna couldn't wait to go to the Children's Museum, so as soon as Mike had a day off, we ventured to Portsmouth. We drove to Norfolk and then took a Ferry across the Elizabeth River over to Portsmouth. The museum was 1 1/2 blocks from the port. A perfect little trip. The museum was great! Both kids had a BLAST and would have stayed ALL day if we would have let them. There was so much to do for all ages. I even think Mike and I learned a thing or two. My favorite part was the planetarium. Anna didn't really know what to expect and Sullivan sure didn't know. We went in and Sullivan lay back on me watching the "movie" on the ceiling and both kids were quiet and totally enthralled in the stars. It was such a neat mommy moment. I actually got choked up and had one of those moments only a mommy understands. My heart was full of so much love, peace and pride! Sullivan sat through the entire thing with barely a twitch. It was really neat. Anna's favorite exhibit was the bubble room. I will have to say it was pretty neat! Nothing like being INSIDE a bubble! After we decided we just had to leave (2:30pm, Sullivan naps at 2:00 and we had been there since 11:0 am) we went and had lunch at a sports bar and grill. We sat at a semi circle table so the kids could watch TV. I know, not the best way to have a family meal was nice. After a ferry ride back to Norfolk, both kids got in the car and fell sound asleep. We will go back!
Monday, June 23, 2008
At first when we got Anna Sullivan was happy to see her but didn't really know how to share his things or his time and was a little cranky. Now it is a whole different story! He loves her so much. He smiles every time he sees her, copies everything she does and cries at gym day care when she walks away from him. He normally doesn't cry at gym daycare. It is going to be hard to take Anna back. Not only will we miss her so much but he is going to be so sad to see her go and not have her here everyday. You should see them at the park together. It is so heart warming. They laugh and giggle and play together and you can just see how much they love each other. I am thrilled we have lots more time to enjoy the two kids bonding and am so grateful to be able to have Anna another summer.
Yeah Sully
I totally forgot to post our exciting news!!! The week before we left for SC and Florida, Sullivan Tee Tee'd in his little potty with out me even telling him to. I put him in the bathtub and he said, "Mama, tee tee in potty!" so I took him out and sat him on potty. Waited and waited...nothing! This happened several times before I decided i needed to ignore him or we would do this all night. I was thinking he would get sick of the potty and stay in the tub. So I called Mama. She was asleep so I was chatting with daddy while Sullivan was sitting on potty and well I look down and he is tee teeing in the potty! Just like he had done it a thousand times. I of course got all excited and started telling him what a big boy he was and he quit! I was just so excited! So I praised him and put him back in the tub! Again he said, "Mama tee tee in potty." I took him out again and put him on potty and he went again! I was so proud but so sad that Mike was not there for this happy time. He hasn't done it again but I guess it was a start! We are actually not actively potty training, just letting him try whenever he wants to. Go Sullivan!!!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Hittin' Balls

We took the kiddos to hit some balls at the driving range! Mike and I have been dying to go and Anna wants to learn to play so we hit 280 balls! Sullivan stayed in his stroller most of the time but towards the end we let him hit some too! We all had a blast! Anna did really well except for the blister on her hand. I should have let her borrow my glove! Anyway...Tiger Woods here we come!
We took Sissy to the Zoo
We had such a good time at the zoo. Sissy doesn't think she has ever been to a zoo although Daddy says she has when she was a really little girl. We saw baby pigs, crazy monkeys, elephants, giraffe's and some pum-bah looking animals that were acting crazy moving logs around in the mud! It was grate fun! Sissy even played in the fountains when we were finished looking at the animals. I didn't like that cold water! Mommy promised we could go back again...Sissy and I both hope we get to.
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
I turned 2!!!
On June 9th I turned 2. It was such an unusually wonderful birthday because I go to see so much of my family and I got to meet some I have never met before. We woke up at Noni's house and Aunt Tina came over and went with us to the Biscuit Barn for breakfast. There were all these little old ladies that worked there that had lots of make-up on and they talked kind of funny. They were so sweet to me and kept flirting with me. They even took me into the kitchen of the Biscuit Barn to get some flour on my nose. Apparently a Southern tradition there. Mom said she felt like we were on an old southern movie and she loved it! It reminded me of how the Italians loved on me so much except the accents were WAY different! Then we went back to Noni's house where my Aunt Barbara and Cousin Melanie met us for cake and ice cream! Noni got me a cake and they all sang Happy Birthday to me and Aunt Barbara and Melanie got me my first 2 year old present! It was wonderful! My mommy got a little choked up at the thought of me turning two but it was a happy day!

Aunt Barbara and Melanie and me
My first 2 year old present!
Then Sissy came over and we packed the car, loaded up the dogs, kissed Noni good bye and got on the road to Sumter. After 3 hours of riding we arrived in Sumter to GG and Pop so excited to see us! Even Uncle Zeke, Aunt Brett and Elliott came over. We had birthday dinner for Pop, Sissy and I with Cake and Ice Cream! Sissy and I got lots of gifts and we all got Pop a new camera! Silly mommy left her camera in the car so we didn't get any pictures. :( We then loaded up again and headed to the Santee!!! It was dark when we got there but we woke up and played in the lake most of the day! We swam and ate Watermelon and even Blue decided to take a dip! After our naps we headed back to Sumter for the Election party at Mr and Mrs Leventis' house! They had yummy food and I got to play and to top a great day off Mr Leventis won the primaries! At least that is what my mommy told me! Mommy and Daddy took Sissy and I back to the lake and we woke up the next morning to only GG and Pop. Mommy and Daddy left me for the first time over night for 5 days!!! I was thrilled and even though I missed them a little I was so busy and had so much fun, that I didn't miss them too much! I love the Santee and all my family! It was a wonderful birthday and vacation!
Breakfast at the Santee! Just like Mommy and Uncle Zeke used to do when they were little.

Learning to kick and float!
OK, Don't go call Social Services yet! These were empty beer bottles that I just wanted to play with! Mom and Daddy rinsed them out and so I was only getting lake water if anything! Check out the new dock Uncle Zeke and Pop built!!!
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