Thursday, July 17, 2008

Here fishy fishy fishy...

Last night we took the kids fishing at the little pond down the street. Mike bought them both their own fishing poles at the beginning of the summer and they have both been very excited to go fishing. We had planned to go a week ago and were worried that the extremely large night crawlers had died in our refrigerator. Gross! But they were fat and happy indeed! Other than being totally paranoid Sullivan was going to fall in, we had a very nice time. To see Sullivan's face when Mike caught a fish was awesome! His little eyes lit up and he would grin so big and study it. He even touched it, after inspecting it thoroughly, and then helped throw it back in. I was so amazed at how well he would cast his line. For a little guy he did very well. He was a little mad that he didn't have a hook and a worm though. He really wanted to catch a fish bad. Anna caught one just as we were leaving and would have stayed a while if possible but it was just getting too dark. She did well also but that did not surprise us, she is a natural at this kind of stuff. We plan to go back and next time I WILL take my camera! I missed some great photo ops!!!

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