Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cousin Elliot came to visit us!

Uncle Zeke, Aunt Brett and Elliott came to visit us last Thursday and stayed until Sunday! What a weekend! We went to the beach the first day! It was a beautiful day! We had a blast!The boys loved the sand and Anna played in the very large waves most of the time! Mike and Zeke left early and went to play golf, so Brett and I took the kids to the playground on the beach. I had to pull Sullivan off of it screaming when it was time to go. We went to Dough Boys and had pizza and then went home for nap time.
That night we ate at The Lucky Oyster for dinner and thenwe went and walked the boardwalk at the beach, stopping for the local performers and to get ice cream.
Aunt Brett is 22 weeks pregnant in this picture! Ain't she cute??

The big boys went fishing on Saturday so we took the kids to The Virginia Aquarium. They loved it! At the touch tank!They have a Little Builders exhibit right now that is so cute!By the time we got home and got the boys down for a nap Zeke and Mike got home with NO fish! They caught some but they only had 1 keeper so we had to come up with something else for dinner. Shrimp and Scallops from the local Seafood Market!!! We stayed home and grilled out so that we could actually enjoy the meal with out the little boys running circles under the table, on the seats, on the table etc... They can make it really hard to enjoy a meal. Unfortunately they had to leave on Sunday! We really enjoyed them visiting and hope they will come back soon. Before they left we ate lunch at a really yummy restaurant call No Frill Grill (thanks Leighann for introducing us). When they drove off Sullivan started crying for Zeke. Apparently Elliott was calling for Mike! Too funny.... Tiney Hneys!

Playing in the boat Zeke and Daddy went fishing in.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Another First...but this time for Anna

Look out Tiger here she comes. Anna has been taking golf lessons this summer and we took her to play 9 holes of golf for the first time. She has always wanted to go and Mike wanted to take her but living in Sicily it was just too expensive. She did pretty good for her first time. She hit some really good shots, missed some balls, dug up some dirt and got frustrated and extremely hot(it was almost 100 degrees the day we went) but had a really good time and wants to go again. This tickles Mike. He would love for both kids to learn to enjoy golf like he does. Sullivan thinks he is a pro already. During Anna's lessons we hang out and he uses his clubs G.G. got him and "hit ball". He does good for a 2 year old. Most of the time he makes contact and sometimes he hits it really far. Anyway....maybe our kiddos will fabulous golf players and maybe not but we hope they learn the game and the love and passion their daddy has for it.
(Sorry no pictures but I took my camera without the battery - DUH!)

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Here fishy fishy fishy...

Last night we took the kids fishing at the little pond down the street. Mike bought them both their own fishing poles at the beginning of the summer and they have both been very excited to go fishing. We had planned to go a week ago and were worried that the extremely large night crawlers had died in our refrigerator. Gross! But they were fat and happy indeed! Other than being totally paranoid Sullivan was going to fall in, we had a very nice time. To see Sullivan's face when Mike caught a fish was awesome! His little eyes lit up and he would grin so big and study it. He even touched it, after inspecting it thoroughly, and then helped throw it back in. I was so amazed at how well he would cast his line. For a little guy he did very well. He was a little mad that he didn't have a hook and a worm though. He really wanted to catch a fish bad. Anna caught one just as we were leaving and would have stayed a while if possible but it was just getting too dark. She did well also but that did not surprise us, she is a natural at this kind of stuff. We plan to go back and next time I WILL take my camera! I missed some great photo ops!!!


We had a dentist appointment yesterday for Sullivan and Anna. Anna did really well and was so excited to know that she has no cavities! Sullivan cried during his exam but also had no cavities. He could have cared less he just wanted to go "home" as he quickly told us after his exam. I am so proud of them. I only hope we can keep up the good work!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Another First...

Well we had another first this past week! Ear Infections and Antibiotics! Yup! Sullivan had a double ear infection with conjunctivitis and was put on antibiotics. UGH! He was pitiful, running fever for 3 days and not being himself. He just did not feel good. He never showed any signs of ear infection though. Never once pulled at his ear or anything. I guess nursing for 14 months has paid off to go this long with out one. With in 24 hours of antibiotics his eyes were totally cleared up and he had more pep in his step and the fever was gone. He is almost back to himself again, other than a runny nose. YEAH!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

A week at the Santee

After our reunion and Sullivan's party we decided to spend a week at the lake. Mike went back to work (bless his heart) and we stayed with GG and Pop! It was so much fun! Relaxing and Playing at the Santee is the best! We ended our week there with a party in the 4th of July and a Memorial Celebration for my Uncle Jimmy on the 5th. It was a lot of food, sun and just plain fun! Sullivan is swimming like a champ. He is not afraid at all. He will kick his feet to get around and loves the water. Anna gave hydro sliding a fair shot and then road on a tube behind the boat and got to ride a jet ski for the first time! We saw a lot of old friends and family and only wish Mike could have been there and it would have lasted longer! There is no place like the Santee! "Helping" mama and GG prime the porchOn a boat ride...
Playing with my cousin ElliottMe and Pop enjoying the fire!
Camryn, Anna and Sullivan at Uncle Jimmy's Memorial PartyLearning to hrdro slideThe grandbabies!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

My Birthday Party

Mom and Daddy had a birthday party for me at Swan Lake in Sumter on Sunday afternoon. It was perfect because Colin came to town and Jack was in town and these are buddies I don't get to see often. Of course it was special because my family was there, Elliott and even Camryn and Burns came. I had a dump truck with cupcakes that looked like dirt and some others that spelled my name and the icing turned everything colors. I got some of the best presents ever!!! It was so much fun and then a storm brewed up and came in fast! We had to load up and get out of there and the party wasn't even over. Oh well, I had fun while it lasted. I hope to see you all again soon and thanks for the gifts!

Pre - Partying with Colin
My friends that came to my party including a new friend named Logan

Chowing down
Opening all my presents Feeding the geeseAfter party with Jack

Thursday, July 10, 2008

15 years ago...

So much has changed in the last 15 years since we graduated from Sumter High School, yet so little too. We had our class reunion on the 28th of June. It was a BLAST! Old friends came in from all over and we got to hang out with friends we see occasionally but don't usually get to hang out with. And everyone had babysitters! Looking forward to the 20 year reunion! And for all of you who didn't make it, you missed out but hope to see you at our 20th!!!